I Support Albinism

We made not have Color but We will have a Voice
For More Information

World Albinism Alliance

The World Albinism Alliance (WAA) was formed in 2011 to bring together Albinism Societies from around the world. The WAA was established in 2012, founded on discussions dating back almost two decades. The WAA has over 40 active participants with representation from all of the world’s continents.


NOAH’s mission is to act as a conduit for accurate and authoritative information about all aspects of living with albinism and to provide a place where people with albinism and their families, in the United States and Canada, can find acceptance, support and fellowship

Under the Same Sun

Under The Same Sun helps people with albinism overcome often deadly discrimination through education and advocacy

Albinism Day!

International Albinism Awareness Day or how to take part in events in your community. Please contact albinismday.com for more information to help support the International Albinism Awareness Day.


Support starts with awareness. Knowledge about the humans around us is the first step. We support by giving information and help guide people to be aware of Albinism. We support albinism awareness.